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Crawford House - House & Society Blog

The Cost of Building and Living in a Tiny House

Living In (and Building) Your Own Tiny House: A Cost Analysis Tiny houses have grown in popularity over the last few years – and for plenty of good reasons. More people are looking for ways to downsize their living quarters and save a little cash. Building a tiny house can cost much less than buying a traditional home, and tiny houses require much less maintenance and upkeep. But what is the cost of building and living in a tiny house? Let’s take a look. Building a Tiny House Building a tiny house can be a more cost-effective way of owning…

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Tiny House Living: How to Make Your Tiny House Multifunctional

How Can You Make Your Tiny House Living Experience Full-On Multifunctional? Making the most out of a tiny home can be a challenge — it probably goes without saying that you can’t fit a huge, luxurious television and full-sized furniture into a miniature house. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t make your tiny house more functional with a few strategic design tips. Here’s how you can use design to make your tiny home extra multifunctional: Optimize Your Area with Multipurpose Furniture The key to maximizing your tiny house living experience is to utilize multipurpose furniture — pieces of furniture…

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Sustainable Home Decor: The Importance of Functionality

Creating Sustainable Home Decorating with Ease and Functionality Making sustainable home decor choices is becoming increasingly important these days. With the recent phenomenon of minimalism and eco-living on the rise, more and more people are beginning to recognize the importance of functional and eco-friendly decoration. This article aims to define just what is meant by sustainable home decor, and will explore some of the most popular methods of creating a more sustainable living space. What is Sustainable Home Decor? Sustainable home decor is about creating your home decoration in such a way that it does not require frequent replacement, is…

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Creating a Modern and Minimalist Laundry Room

How to Create a Modern and Minimalist Laundry Room Creating a modern and minimalist laundry room doesn’t have to be a challenge. With the right design ideas, you can create a beautiful space that’s both on-trend and economical. Here are a few tips for transforming your laundry room into a chic and efficient space: 1. Choose Stylish Storage Solutions When organizing your laundry room, it’s important to consider how each item will look. Instead of using plastic storage bins, opt for wicker baskets or wooden crates to store detergents, supplies, and linens. Choose attractive containers that make it easy to…

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Tiny House Living: How to Make Your Tiny House Affordable

Affordable Tiny House Living: What You Need to Know The tiny house trend has exploded over the past few years, driven by the desire of many to downsize the amount of living space one enjoys and to simplify life. Despite this trend, many people have struggled to make their tiny house dream a reality due to the high cost of quality tiny home construction. Fortunately, there are a few ways that you can make your tiny house more affordable and make it a reality. Know What You Need When building a tiny house on a budget, it’s important to do…

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Designing a Sustainable Home: The Role of Lighting

Building a Sustainable Home: The Role of Lighting When building a sustainable home, many things need to be considered in order to make it energy efficient. Lighting is one of the key elements as it has both a fundamental role in energy efficiency as well as an aesthetic value. Therefore, it is important to design the lighting of a sustainable home correctly in order to make it both efficient and beautiful. The Benefits of Sustainable Lighting Sustainable lighting can bring a number of advantages to a home. Primarily, it has a high energy-efficiency rating, meaning that it can reduce the…

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The Impact of Ductwork on Home Energy Efficiency

Importance of Ductwork in Home Energy Efficiency Having an efficient home helps to save money, conserve energy, and reduce your carbon footprint. One important part of having an energy efficient home is a good ductwork system. When it comes to using energy efficiently, ductwork plays an important role. Good ductwork is vital to a comfortable home, as it transports heating and cooling efficiently to each room. Therefore, having an efficient and well-insulated duct system is key to keeping heating and cooling costs low. In addition, ductwork also helps to filter out pollutants and dust particles, improving air quality throughout the…

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The Benefits of Using Sustainable Materials in Your Home

Sustainable Resources for Structures: What Are The Benefits For Homeowners? The topic of sustainability has become a priority for many homeowners. As the costs of traditional building materials increase, more businesses and homeowners are starting to explore sustainable materials for their structures. Using sustainable resources for structures can provide numerous benefits to homeowners, including cost savings and reduced maintenance. In this article, we’ll explore the advantages of using sustainable materials in the home. Why Choose Sustainable Resources? Sustainable resources refer to materials that are both good for the environment and long-lasting. This type of material is typically natural, meaning that…

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Green Building Materials for Energy-Efficient Homes

Benefits of Green Building Materials for Your Home Are you looking for ways to improve the energy efficiency of your home? One solution that’s often overlooked is green building materials. Using green building materials in your home can help reduce your energy consumption, cut down on your utility bills, and improve your home’s overall sustainability. Green building materials include materials that are not only energy-efficient but also made in an environmentally friendly manner. Examples of green building materials include recycled materials, sustainably harvested lumber, energy-efficient windows and doors, and energy-saving insulation. Advantages of Using Green Building Materials: Using green building…

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Creating a Modern and Minimalist Outdoor Living Space

7 Tips for Creating a Modern and Minimalist Outdoor Living Space Everyone dreams of having a beautiful, modern and relaxed outdoor living space. It’s the perfect place to gather with friends and family or just enjoy a peaceful day outside. With some simple touches and a little inspiration, you can create a modern and minimalist outdoor living space that you’ll love. Here are some tips to get you started: 1. Keep Your Furniture Minimalistic When it comes to creating a modern and minimalist outdoor living space, less is more. Invest in quality pieces with clean lines and a neutral colour…

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